60th Birthday of Luang Por Kalyano, Abbot of Buddha Bodhivana Monastery 🙏
Updated: Oct 27, 2023

The sangha and lay community of Dhammagiri is sending their respects and best wishes to Luang Por Kalyano on occasion of his 60th birthday on the 1st of October. This is an especially auspicious date, as it marks Luang Por's completion of the fifth 12-year-cycle in the Thai and Chinese calendar.
In particular, we like to express our heartfelt gratitude (kataññū-katavedi) for all the support and spiritual friendship Dhammagiri has received from Luang Por in the last 15 years. We feel strong muditā when reflecting on the outstanding contribution he has made in establishing the Buddhist Sāsanā in Australia.
We wish Luang Por good health, vitality, and smooth progress in his Dhamma practice, and sincerely hope that Australia and countless beings worldwide will be able to continue relying on his wisdom and spiritual guidance for many more years to come.

With great joy we're looking forward to receiving Luang Por for our robe offering ceremony on 23rd October. It will be a true privilege having him with us at Dhammagiri to share Dhamma with us.
🙏 🔆 May Luang Por's birthday today be filled with peace, 🔆 🙏
🙏 🔆 harmony and Dhamma happiness 🔆 🙏
This is a video of a previous visit of Luang Por Kalyano to Dhammagiri:
You can learn more about Venerable Ajahn Kalyano's life
on the website of his monastery: