Luang Por Liem: Video & Podcasts of Dhamma Talks and Pics Visit Dhammagiri Now available
Updated: Apr 22, 2024
Full written transcript of this inspiring Dhamma Talk is available here.
If you're on Spotify, you can also play our whole playlist of 'Visiting Ajahns Dhammagiri', starting with Luang Por Liem, and continuing with Luang Por Kalyano, Ajahn Karuniko, Ajahn X, Ajahn Nyanadipo and Ajahn Dhammadharo.
However, you have to open link below in Spotify App. Else there's only a few seconds 'Preview'.
Even if you haven't got any podcast app, you can always listen to all our podcasts with your browser right here on our Dhammagiri website, just click these links
Photo Gallery of Luang Pors visit is also uploaded already on our website, just click image above, or link below:
We are honoured and very happy that Luang Por Liem visited Dhammagiri on Wednesday 15 March 2023.
Luang Por is the successor of Ajahn Chah as the abbot of Wat Nong Pah Pong, Ubon, Thailand. He is currently the leading senior monk of the whole international tradition of Ajahn Chah. This was already his 4th visit to Dhammagiri.
If you like to know more about Luang Por and his Dhamma teachings, there are several books available with translations of his talks, and biographical information about his life, formative years, and approach to meditation. Just click the titles below for links to PDF files free to read/download:
"Santi - Peace beyond Delusion" Containing a fascinating account of Luang Por Liem's experiences in his personal meditation practice, as he related himself in a Dhamma talk
'Knowing the World" Transcript of Dhamma-Sākacchā (Dhamma Discussion) with Luang Por Liem and the resident monks at Na Uyana Forest Monastery in Sri Lanka
"No Worries" Teachings, Q&A, and a short biography of Luang Por Liem
"The Life and Teachings of Luang Por Liem Ṭhitadhammo" A recent biography on occasion of Luang Por's 80th birthday, with many inspiring pictures, in Thai language, with English translations/summaries of main passages
And there's also our little video with a slideshow of images of Luang Por visiting Dhammagiri, including the special blessing he chanted for our monastery and all sangha and supporters playing in the background: